August 2016 Newsletter and Link to Bare Root Fruit Tree List

August is a good time to start planning for the fall planting and if it is not too warm you can get a jump on the fall planting season. Remember that fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Especially trees.

I know the ground is hard after the summer but if you start a hole and soak it and then dig a little more and soak it, pretty soon the hole you need for the tree or shrub is done and it is a fairly painless way to dig a hole.

Continue to water deeply for the balance of the summer and into fall and be sure that if mulch you added at the beginning of the summer is getting thin, add more to keep the moisture you are applying in the ground.

Bare Root Fruit Tree List

I now have the Bare Root Fruit Tree list for bare root 2017 completed and available. The list is of all that will be in January of 2017. Click on the link following and you can look at it and hopefully print it if you like. Plan out your orchard. If you want to reserve trees for the bare root season, they must be paid for in advance for us to reserve them.

Here is the link for the bare root fruit tree list.

Fall Planting

We have a good selection of trees and shrubs for fall planting in stock now. If you want to get a jump start and plant now, just be sure to keep the plant moist for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Water it once a week after you plant for the first week and then every two to three days for the balance of the season and it will do well.

Fall Fertilizing

Fall fertilizing should be done in September. The weather will be cooler and the days shorter so even when we get some warm days the heat does not last as long. This is the tiime for fall fertilizing. Trees and shrubs will benefit from a balanced fertilizer. Citrus should be fertilized with a citrus ferilizer.

When fertilizing, water the plant the day before very well. Then fertilize the following day and water in well. Never fertilize a dry plant. It will burn it and can possibly kill it.

Grass Seed

Grass seed for lawns or pasture or overseeding should be done in late August or September. Get it planted while it is still warm but not baking hot. The seed will germinate quickly and it will need to be kept moist while it gets established. Don’t wait too late in the season or it won’t get well enough established before the winter and may have a tough time getting through the winter. I just ordered new stock of grass seed so we will have a good supply for all planting needs.

Winter Vegetables

We will start getting winter vegetables and winter annuals in September. Watch the weather. If it’s too warm it will cause them to bolt. But get them in early in the fall so that they get developed and start producing for you before it gets cold.

If you would like us to special order items for you that we may not have in stock, let us know. We do need payment in advance on all special orders.

The weather will be getting cooler soon. Start getting ready to plant for fall now.

We hope to see you soon.
